Hey, I did a thing.

Did see that thing I did?


My last project

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2021-04-11
8 Likes, 6 Replies

Tiny Tactical Tanks! Discontinued

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-09-12
7 Likes, 2 Replies

Guns with legs

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-09-05
6 Likes, 5 Replies

Death worm demo

Example - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-09-05
9 Likes, 3 Replies

Following camera concept demo thingy

Example - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-08-30
9 Likes, 7 Replies

Polly-quest discontinuined

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-08-13
11 Likes, 16 Replies

Basically, you run from a little yellow death monster

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-07-30
7 Likes, 4 Replies

Orbital swing

Game - Hey, I did a thing. - 2020-07-23
7 Likes, 16 Replies