Work in Progress

Purple Guy (WIP)


defcon_zero 2020-02-26 14:22 (Edited)

This is my first NX program! It started as a test to see if i could get a simple sprite to display on the screen, but I decided to continue improving my creation.

v1.0.1 + better screenshot (thanks Timo!)

v1.1 + new sprite, attempted scrolling, but having trouble with this as well as palettes

v1.2 + updated palette and background, still having issues with scrolling however.

v1.3 + fixed scrolling, correct palettes, and now you can walk behind trees! Next step is to probably tweak the BG and make it look decent

v1.4 + added rocks to the BG that you can walk behind, added small sprite animation, and added a weird title screen with my own font (yes the R is supposed to be offset, lol).

sprite test v1.3.nx | Open in app
2020-03-01 20:46
sprite test v1.2.nx | Open in app
2020-02-27 21:34
sprite test v1.1.nx | Open in app
2020-02-27 16:54
sprite test 1.nx | Open in app
2020-02-26 14:22

was8bit 2020-02-26 14:45

That picachoo is very cool :)

Here is a copy with a good screenshot :)

sprite test 1.nx | Open in app
2020-02-26 14:45

was8bit 2020-02-26 15:05

Your work inspired me :)

... i made you a variation, I hope you like it :)

sprite test 2.nx | Open in app
2020-02-26 15:05

defcon_zero 2020-02-26 15:30

Thank you so much! this is exactly what I was trying to do.

Timo 2020-02-26 16:15

LowRes NX can create screenshots directly:
iOS: in-game menu
Win, Mac: Ctrl + S -> Saves file on desktop

defcon_zero 2020-02-26 16:32

Thanks Timo!

was8bit 2020-02-26 17:27


was8bit 2020-02-27 18:23 (Edited)

I like how you created secret hiding places in the grass :)

defcon_zero 2020-02-27 19:19

I actually was trying to avoid this, I thought i got rid of all those... any reason why they might still be there?

Also I'm still having trouble with scrolling as well as palettes, and I have not been able to figure it out.

defcon_zero 2020-02-27 19:40

nevermind about the weird tiles that are in front for some reason, i figured that out :)

still having trouble with scrolling though...

Tinycloud778 2020-02-28 02:33

Looks awesome!

defcon_zero 2020-02-28 04:33


was8bit 2020-02-28 04:39

Scrolling is abit tricky... it is easier to NOT think of it as scroll (I think of scroll like a scroll of paper... once you roll it along, are now physically at a new place on the paper)...

What ACTUALLY happens is that your background has not actully moved at all... If you use TOUCH commands to read what characters in the background you are touching, you will find that if even if you use SCROLL command TOUCH will still respond as if SCROLL is set at 0,0 even if your scroll is set to something else

Also, SPRITES don't move either... so if do a cell check at your sprite location, it won't check what you are SEEING, it checks as if scroll was still unmoved at 0,0...

So, to line up the math to what you are SEEING, you need to adjust using the scroll's XYn settings ... which I don't like doing as it is confusing...

However, Timo has made a wonderful program where he has all the right math making everything working ... check it out :)

defcon_zero 2020-02-28 15:13

Thanks, this is very helpful, but i am having trouble with scrolling up and down (and my BG is only 32x32 cells). The version you made works perfectly, but when i copied the scrolling code from your version, my version scrolls left and right, but not up and down. I cannot seem to wrap my head around why mine doesn't work.

also a side note, i am trying to make my character sprite a different palette than the BG. it worked in my first two versions, but it isn't working now for some reason (not that important, just thought i'd mention it).

defcon_zero 2020-02-28 15:15

Also i should mention I'm a complete noob at this, I just figured out how to get this far somehow lol

was8bit 2020-02-28 16:42 (Edited)

Your version DOES scroll, but remember that scroll works on a 32x32 size regardless of what size of background you may have designed.... ANY size of background you designed using BACKGROUND DESIGNER will be forced to accupy a 32x32 cell space for both BG 1 and BG 0...

Timo 2020-02-28 19:49

A sprite palette is set by

The simple PAL command is for cell and text commands.

Timo 2020-02-28 19:52

Ah and your map is actually only 20x16 cells large. You can choose a different size in the BG Designer in Disk > size

defcon_zero 2020-03-01 04:42

@was8bit ah, thanks for the info, this is helpful.

@Timo, ohhh that's it, thank you! Ok, didn't know that, thanks again! :)

was8bit 2020-03-01 07:20

Early on I was getting confused too as i thought the background I designed would become the game background.. ie I could change game background by changing it in the editor...

... but then I learned that the game backgrounds are always 32x32 in size, and that anything I design with BACKGROUND DESIGNER is just a file, and i copy parts of the file to parts of the game background with BG COPY command ...

And the Double sized setting on backgrounds still confuses me sometimes ;)

was8bit 2020-03-02 05:33

Cool upgrade :)

defcon_zero 2020-03-02 13:39

Thanks :)

was8bit 2020-03-03 04:19

Rocks looks great :) nice title page... nice walking animation :)

defcon_zero 2020-03-03 18:10

Haha thanks, glad you like it! :)

was8bit 2020-03-04 05:04


S3B4 2020-05-09 11:37

The man behind the slaughter

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