Mario Parallax Demo


Timo 2018-10-11 15:38 (Edited)

This is just a scrolling screen and you can move and jump. No actual game. By using both BGs, cell/sprite priorities and raster interrupts, it looks almost 3D and has a water effect.
This is the first demo I programmed for LowRes NX to check the graphics system. It was originally written in C and later ported to BASIC.

Demo 0.6.nx | Open in app
2019-11-03 10:25
Demo 0.5.nx | Open in app
2018-10-11 15:38

Timo 2018-10-11 16:03

A video from the C version:

DJMoffinz 2019-11-04 08:50

It would be cool if we had an actual Super Mario game on NX, but I suppose you’d need a license to use it.

DJMoffinz 2019-11-04 08:51

Also you accidentally made his hat brown.

DrGonzo 2021-01-15 08:15

So anyone working on that super Mario game? That water effect is just gorgeous! :)

Demo 0.6 (2)1.nx | Open in app
2021-01-15 08:15

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