The World We Know Today


GAMELEGEND 2020-04-04 22:53 (Edited)

This game is not just a text based game you will be moving a character around sometimes


My goal is to release one chapter every few days until i run out of ideas or feel like the story has gone on long enough but the most likely thing to happen is i run out disk space

V1.0 chapter 1 cutscene available
But just because there is no gameplay right now it is a pretty good cutscene
V1.1 chapter 1 gameplay has been added
Any thing in between may not happen ifcitvdoes they are bug fixes
V2.0 chapter 2 cutscene and game play

was8bit 2020-04-05 04:06

Coool :)

GAMELEGEND 2020-04-05 04:21

Stay tuned im close to half way done with the chapter 1 gameplay

was8bit 2020-04-05 04:53

Its zzztime for me, will check back later :)

GAMELEGEND 2020-04-05 22:27

How well does it work on computer

was8bit 2020-04-06 04:23

... not sure, will try checking it tomorrow on my windows tablet :)

G-9 2020-04-25 06:38

Ok it's good but i don't know bin to decimal ...

G-9 2020-04-25 08:04


was8bit 2020-04-25 13:05

Our counting system is base 10, meaning 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or 10 diferent digits...

Binary is base 2, meaning 0,1 or 2 different digits... it is what all regular computers use for storing and processing data, mechanically inside computers store data as what can be called tiny light switches, either off or on (0 or 1) and ALL computer data is stored and processed this way at the core level...

Converting our numbers into binary
0 = 0000
1 = 0001
2 = 0010
3 = 0011
4 = 0100
5 = 0101
6 = 0110
7 = 0111
8 = 1000
9 = 1001
10 = 1010
11 = 1011
12 = 1100
13 = 1101
14 = 1110
15 = 1111

was8bit 2020-04-25 13:07

You can write binary in lowres, try

PRINT %1111

And it will print 15

was8bit 2020-04-25 13:09

You can convert our numbers into a string$ representing binary, try

PRINT BIN$(15,4)

It will print "1111"

was8bit 2020-04-25 13:18 (Edited)

You will also notice a counting system called HEX short for hexadecimal.. in early computers you had to prorgam them using hex codes or machine language... you still do, its just that languages like BASIC help you create code that is easier to understand, then it gets translated eventually into machine code and at the computer core this gets converted yet again into binary

Hex is base 16... here is how it compares...

Ours = binary = hex

0 = 0000 = 0
1 = 0001 = 1
2 = 0010 = 2
3 = 0011 = 3
4 = 0100 = 4
5 = 0101 = 5
6 = 0110 = 6
7 = 0111= 7
8 = 1000 = 8
9 = 1001 = 9
10 = 1010 = A
11 = 1011 = B
12 = 1100 = C
13 = 1101 = D
14 = 1110 = E
15 = 1111 = F

You will notice that HEX lets you represent all 16 numbers as one character... in machine code, a command is usually 2 characters, like COPY PUT GET that move data around or GOTO JUMP that move the execution line, and many other commands, depending on the machine (apple, ibm, ect...)

was8bit 2020-04-25 13:19 (Edited)

You will notice that NX memory locations are given in HEX, like $8000 is where your graphics are stored in your game's run-time memory...

G-9 2020-04-25 16:45


GAMELEGEND 2020-04-26 01:15 (Edited)

I have to update this at first i was just going to be releasing one chapter at a time but then i thought it be better to just release the whole game because i have been coming up with new chapters faster then i thought i whould

was8bit 2020-04-26 04:03 (Edited)

Just remember, a finished little game is better than a great big unfinished game... a lesson i myself struggle with ;)

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