
Standalone game on AppStore


moechofe 2020-08-18 20:40

Since the LowresNX license is LGPL, I though I would like to create a standalone App for iOS featuring my games.

I wonder what @timo thing about this idea.

It took me a while to understand XCode, SDL and C++ to make it works. I finally manage to create a custom iOS app for one of my project. Actually, not having the possibly to export an XCode project from the iOS App was always a cons for me. I was used by this feature from the Codea App.

Obviously, my goal is not to keep my project secret by not sharing the code to the official LRNX forum, but to give a better feeling about the game I want to create.my goal is not to keep my project secret by not sharing the code to the official LRNX forum, but to give a better feeling about the game I want to create.

Timo 2020-08-19 17:07

Of course you can do it, no problem.

But here are my reasons why I personally wouldn't do it and why I don't add an "export standalone" function to the app:

LowRes NX is not just a tool to create games, but an own platform with lots of limitations. If you would download a LowRes NX game without knowing the platform, most of the limitations would feel strange. Like the screen ratio or especially the inputs. You are not able to really adjust your game's controls to the device or to add common features of the OS. If people complain: "why can I not simply tap that button?" you cannot fix it in a program using the gamepad.

In the universe of LowRes NX it all makes sense, so people knowing LowRes NX will understand and can appreciate you game more.

Codea for example was really made to make iPad apps, supporting features of iOS etc. So App Store releases of these programs make more sense.

Another reason: Even though the community of LowRes NX is small, people here appreciate your programs. If people find your game on the App Store, it's in competition to thousands of similar games. If they find it at all!

For example I thought about releasing Sound Composer on the App Store. But people would expect options to export or share their songs etc. and I wouldn't have an easy way to extend the NX program with iOS native features. So in the end I decided against it.

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