Tiny Timo Text - Display more text on your screen


Alice 2020-11-14 07:49 (Edited)

Command that can be used instead of PRINT to generate smaller text. Original Tiny Text is by Timo...I added some functionality. Notes are in the remarks.

Use any length of text, wraps correctly with words, <touch or press space to continue> at end of page, all standard characters available. To use CALL PRINTT(“HELLO WORLD”) or CALL PRINTT(A$)...nothing else is needed. Just copy paste code.


Nov.16.2020 Updated to be eco-friendly with the CPU and avoid changes to string variables sent to PRINTT()

Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 10:40
Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 10:35
Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 08:03
Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 07:57
Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 07:54
Tiny Timo Text.nx | Open in app
2020-11-14 07:49

Timo 2020-11-14 09:46

Tip: when you have a loop waiting for user input, put a WAIT VBL inside, otherwise it’s a waste of CPU.


Alice 2020-11-14 10:36


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