was8bit 2021-03-05 07:14 (Edited)
You Can't Stop!
BEGINNER: Try to get 99 pops on all colors and pop out...
EXPERT: Try to get 9 bonuses on all colors before popping out...
TrashCan Games 2021-03-05 11:48
i was able to beat expert with a auto clicker
was8bit 2021-03-05 14:03
Auto clicker?
was8bit 2021-03-05 17:54
... well, i get it now, and i totally understand.... with any game that requires precison jumps, i have to hack in my own cheats to play the game, i am crappy at jumps ;)
was8bit 2021-03-05 17:55
This game is playable for all in that there is no timer... you have the freedom of playing the game for as long as needed :)
TrashCan Games 2021-03-07 04:17
yeah I just couldn't be bothered clicking
was8bit 2021-03-07 06:11
I am not a big fan myself... but i know some people are... plus the game idea was simple put together, so i made it while it was still fresh in my mind...