
Snakes in the Grass game


was8bit 2018-12-13 03:00 (Edited)

(NX core 0.11)

Find the snakes in the Grass...

This is a puzzle.... toggle the gameboard buttons to set them as
Grass (not sure)
Null (empty, no snake)
Check (snake)

There are the following snakes:
1 of length 4
2 of length 3
3 of length 2

Rule 1: no snakes can touch each other, this means there is NO other snake in any space around a known snake

Rule 2: the sum of spaces with part of a snake have the total on the top of the column or to the left of the row...

HINT: it's OK to hit the QUESTION MARK button in the upper left corner... it will try to reveal a clue where there is grass... otherwise it tries its best ...

TO WIN: correctly tag all unexposed spaces as: clear (null) or snake (checkmark)... you know you've won when all snakes are exposed in their full color, and a victory chord is played...

Uses latest TestFlight version...

Tinycloud778 2020-01-17 12:02

Fun game

was8bit 2020-01-17 13:41

Thanky :)

And thanks for visiting one of my older games, i have several pages of them... on original lowres i have so many it can take a LOOOOOONG time to get to the bottom, i can't even count how many times it has to reload the screen :/

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