Meow 2


Ericisonit 2021-06-04 10:48

So I took the program of the day from today June 4 and I just added a little oomph to it….

Meow2.nx | Open in app
2021-06-04 10:48

crosoft312 2021-06-04 17:16 (Edited)

Darn, you did a really good job! I feel ashamed of my program now.

was8bit 2021-06-05 05:38 (Edited)


Actually, you should feel proud.... in the sense that your work had the power to inspire others...

For myself, i have a certain coding level, but i severly lack artistic or musical skills... so these are rather lacking in my games... however, it doesn't stop me from making things i like :)

Also, i really enjoy seeing everyone else's posted stuff.... i REALLY get a LOT of ideas and inspirations from everyone here :D

Had you NOT posted your meow thing, THIS meow would have never existed... so take pride in the fact that you have good ideas that others enjoy and get inspired by ;)

SP4CEBAR 2021-06-05 08:57

Wow, you nailed that meow sound

crosoft312 2021-06-05 13:44 (Edited)

@was8bit, You're right! I should be more optimistic.

was8bit 2021-06-05 16:51


And i personally thank you for sharing your creations, both inspired me, and i hope to see more stuff :)

crosoft312 2021-06-05 16:58 (Edited)

Oh! Good! I was worried about clottering the site with random tests and demos, I made after learning some graphical concept. That's good to hear! I just wrote about that here:

hold on? it inspired you? Really?

was8bit 2021-06-06 02:49

Yes, even your last test, you person has a certain flair... it looks nice :) same as your cat, how it looks, how it moves, and the timing of meow, all together made me feel like it was a real cat :)

Maybe you are unaware of your artistic talent... maybe you can't paint a Rembrandt, but your skills are better than me :) I largely copy my stuff if they look good ;)

crosoft312 2021-06-07 17:07 (Edited)

Was8bit, you must be joking. You art skills are extremely good! I was looking at mario mayhem, and that stuff looked like proffessional pixel art! I could never even attempt that! My person is just a simple sprite inspired by timo's platformer tutorial. Comparing yourself to this horrible person sprite is just no.

was8bit 2021-06-08 00:37 (Edited)

Ok.... my point exactly.... for mario meyhem i got ahold of pixel perfect images of the characters, and viewed each image up close with an image viewer that can overlay grids, etc.... and shamelessly copied each image, painstakenly, one pixel at a time ;)

... again, my best images are used with permisison if the image was made by someone here.... or just copied with the help of a grid from actual internet images...

was8bit 2021-06-08 00:41

Here is an example of how far i am willing to go to get a good graphic...

Image Data Crack.nx | Open in app
2021-06-08 00:41

was8bit 2021-06-08 01:03

This is the free app i use to help get or estimate my pixels from copied images...

was8bit 2021-06-08 01:06

You need to crop a pixelated image so one image or character fills the entire screen.... then apply the grid if you need to... sometimes you can get a near perfect copy, sometimes you have to fudge here or there to make an image fit....

crosoft312 2021-06-11 19:23

Thanks for the info!

was8bit 2021-06-12 05:31

Hope it is helpful :) it does take patience and time, but the results are worth it :)

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