Tetris Treasures game (playable on mobile phones)


was8bit 2021-11-23 05:24 (Edited)

Playable off the webpage with any mobile phone :)

(a tetris style game with a twist)

TAP to rotate piece...
HOLD then DRAG to adjust piece position...
DROP pieces by dragging finger downward until piece turns green

GET THE GOLD by lining up your round shovels with the gold pieces

LEVEL UP by clearing all gold from screen

LINE REMOVAL, solid horzontal lines are removed and above tiles drop down

GAME OVER if any piece gets stopped in the top yellow zone

(Fixed bug)

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2021-11-23 06:35
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2021-11-23 05:57
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2021-11-23 05:24

was8bit 2021-11-23 18:08

the easy stuff is done... now comes the hard parts...

was8bit 2021-11-24 00:59

I need to remove the bottom button, it interferes with the apple phone’s touch features at the bottom of the screen

was8bit 2021-11-25 19:38 (Edited)

My line removal is buggy.... needs fixed...

was8bit 2021-11-25 20:36

Just need to add gold check, mining all the gold yields a level up to next level#

was8bit 2021-11-25 22:01 (Edited)

My best score, 31,995 ... can anyone beat that ;)

was8bit 2021-11-29 05:14

Oops....found a bug...

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