Sheet Music Editor 2


was8bit 2021-12-28 05:17 (Edited)

A new approach with a new layout... less complicated is always better...

The previous version allowed for 4 notes per cell... rather complicating things... this version will only allow 1 note per cell...

V2.01 Layout seems finished... buttons are not programmed yet, but code recognizes them with sound effects...

was8bit 2021-12-28 16:32

I think I will keep this one simple and stick to my original idea... a way to easily and visually copy by hand notes from sheet music into LowRes... one can easily use the existing editor to further tweak, etc...

My personal issue when trying to copy sheet music manually into LowRes is that it takes me forever to do it... so my goal is to have this program make it really easy :)

CubicleHead 2021-12-29 02:19

It's looking very nice :D

was8bit 2021-12-29 04:16

Thanks :)

I am glad i went with a simpler design, i think this one has a good chance of getting finished ;)

was8bit 2021-12-29 05:14

Each page represents one pattern.. and each voice represents one track...

All page controls are on the bottom

When voice buttons work, only one may be active at a time, the other voices will be gray while the selected voice will be black..

When the Edit Note menu is on, you can then edit the notes for the active (selected) voice...

... MAJOR work to do before this works, but i think this approaxh should work...

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