GAMELEGEND 2022-03-21 20:07 (Edited)

this works with a non rooted device :)

alright so you need the following
1. Termux IMPORTANT: download from F-Droid because the google play store version is outdated
2. AndroniX from google play
3. RealVNC from google play
3 part 2. you might be able to use another vnc server app but i had success with RealVNC
4. i suggest that you have more than 2.5 - 3 gb of storage left
5. maybe some patience because there can be lots of waiting involved


Install Ubuntu with Andronix

1. click on the Ubuntu button in andronix ts the 1st one the big orange rectangle with the Ubuntu logo

2. i installed 18.04 because that is what the linux build for lowres was tested with

i could type the rest of the steps to install Ubuntu but if you click on the links to the docs there is a step by step video to show you what to do

now that you have you have the desktop showing i just clicked on use default config


Install Packages

now open the terminal for me there is a button to open terminal the at bottom of the screen in the middle

type the following commands
1. apt install git
2. apt install make
3. apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev
4. apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-dev
5. apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev

now you can build lowres NX

sudo apt install git make build-essential libsdl2-dev
git clone https://github.com/timoinutilis/lowres-nx.git
cd lowres-nx/platform/Linux/

you can copy and paste all 5 commands and press enter but i did them one at a time

now when you drag a .nx file around you may not see it being dragged around the screen

i dont know if there is any other way to do it but everytime i want to run a file i go to the terminal and type cd lowres-nx/platform/Linux/ and then ./output/LowResNX and then just drag the file into the LowResNX window

to write my programs i am currently using xfwrite which is just a simple text editor

xfwrite was already installed in my case

and i may not be able to hear sound but there is a bright side to this.

so what i do is i run the gfx designer and sound composer and then i copy and paste the data from disk.nx and AIDE which is an IDE for android but you can just use any text editor and then i run the .nx file in retroarch with the lowres NX core and you can hear sound

Dan 2022-03-22 20:28

I'm using the Retroarch to run Lowres NX games on my android Phone.

jr 2022-05-27 08:52

I honestly SWEAR there was a Lowres NX app on Android. At the very least, Lowres coder.

evn 2022-06-08 02:58

@Dan how do you run the games on Retroarch?

Dan 2022-06-08 14:30

It is Retroarch plus, from the Google playstore.
I have installed the LowresNx core, and have the lowres nx files in the Downloads/LowresNx folder.

All i need to do is to start the retroarch, click on load content, to chose the Folder and the file and it is running.

evn 2022-06-09 01:51


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