having issues


EnderCal1012 2022-06-02 22:06

i cant seem to play nx games on the website. anyone have a solution?

evn 2022-06-03 04:14

I’m very new here but I’m sure some more info may be helpful. What exactly happens when you try to run a game? What browser / operating system are you running? Etc

was8bit 2022-06-03 06:16 (Edited)

For playing games using webplayer, webplayer does NOT support gamepad
controls, so for any game that uses gamepad controls, webplayer displays a message on the bottom, which basically means you can’t use the webplayer for that game

You CAN play games with web player if that game uses TOUCH to play the game...

However, for cell phones, web player does NOT shrink the game screen to fit phones, so since most games are made to use the whole game screen, most games become unplayable with webplayer...

was8bit 2022-06-03 06:17 (Edited)

Now, realizing this, i have made a few games that are actually playable on any cell phone using webplayer...


was8bit 2022-06-03 06:18 (Edited)

It’s just a few... if you like these games and would like more I can start making more “mobile” phone games :)

Just let me know :)

Timo 2022-06-03 08:05

There is no on-screen gamepad on the web player, but on desktop computers you can use the keyboard.

Dan 2022-06-06 04:20 (Edited)

EnderCal1012, you can try to restart the browser.
I just had such case and after restart, the games were running fine.

here is the developer tool console output with the errors:

wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': Incorrect response MIME type. Expected 'application/wasm'.
player.php?p=uploads/28Vnv2Yygc_Dr_fourD.nx:35 falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
3player.php?p=uploads/28Vnv2Yygc_Dr_fourD.nx:35 Calling stub instead of sigaction()
LowResNX120.js:1696 [Deprecation] The ScriptProcessorNode is deprecated. Use AudioWorkletNode instead. (https://bit.ly/audio-worklet)
70816 @ LowResNX120.js:1696
player.php?p=uploads/28Vnv2Yygc_Dr_fourD.nx:35 Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!
LowResNX120.js:1469 Uncaught RuntimeError: abort(Runtime error: The application has corrupted its heap memory area (address zero)!) at Error
at jsStackTrace (LowResNX120.js:1783:19)
at stackTrace (LowResNX120.js:1800:16)
at abort (LowResNX120.js:1458:44)
at checkStackCookie (LowResNX120.js:1248:46)
at Browser_mainLoop_runner (LowResNX120.js:4452:9)
at abort (LowResNX120.js:1464:11)
at checkStackCookie (LowResNX120.js:1248:46)
at Browser_mainLoop_runner (LowResNX120.js:4452:9)
14100378bf6:0x71072 Uncaught RuntimeError: table index is out of bounds
at 00378bf6:0x71072
at 00378bf6:0x4993f
at 00378bf6:0x497c2
at 00378bf6:0xb77c1
at dynCall (LowResNX120.js:1779:33)
at ScriptProcessorNode.SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess (LowResNX120.js:1696:336)
137200378bf6:0x71072 Uncaught RuntimeError: table index is out of bounds
at 00378bf6:0x71072
at 00378bf6:0x4993f
at 00378bf6:0x497c2
at 00378bf6:0xb77c1
at dynCall (LowResNX120.js:1779:33)
at ScriptProcessorNode.SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess (LowResNX120.js:1696:336)
$func904 @ 00378bf6:0x71072
$func641 @ 00378bf6:0x4993f
$func640 @ 00378bf6:0x497c2
$func1343 @ 00378bf6:0xb77c1
dynCall @ LowResNX120.js:1779
SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess @ LowResNX120.js:1696

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