Platformer Engine 2


Benimo12 2022-07-08 22:31 (Edited)

Hello, I’m back!
I think video games should be art and this is a visual demonstration.
Still running on UByte which is expanding everyday. (Quite literally)

UBite (2).nx | Open in app
2023-02-03 19:06
UBite (2).nx | Open in app
2022-07-09 00:34
UBite (2).nx | Open in app
2022-07-08 22:31

Benimo12 2022-07-08 22:42

The are raster effects named RSTR and FLTR if you wanna spice things up

Benimo12 2022-07-08 22:43

All the art and animations are done by me

SP4CEBAR 2022-07-09 17:08

I love the mega coins in the background!
That's what I wanted to say until I realized that they are just as big as the normal coins, so your perspective effect works great!

Benimo12 2022-07-09 20:12

Thank you! My “ANIMCELL” subprogram worked better than I intended. I used the perspective effect to hide the fact that there is no parallax on that BG layer yet but adding one would make me have to complete the background.

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