TrashCan Games 2022-07-09 05:53 (Edited)
A little game I made.
D-pad to move
A to jump
B to shoot
-Added locked flame option
-Added a new selectable hub option
SP4CEBAR 2022-07-09 17:10
Could you make it so that you can walk backward while shooting forward, you could lock the movement directions when the shoot button is pressed
desbyc 2022-07-09 18:00
To hard 🥹
nousername010 2022-07-10 10:32
Nearly finished it only to have a big green guy land on me :/
That said, great game! I like how you did the fire and the shadows were quite a nice touch.
TrashCan Games 2022-07-11 03:49
-SP4CEBAR Thats a good idea. I will add that