abnuo 2022-08-01 12:34 (Edited)

Added OTC from the simulator at https://peterhigginson.co.uk/lmc/
Added some custom instructions.
MAILBOX(96) = WAIT VBL on/off, 1 by default
4xx/SET - Set the accumulator to xx
10xx/MUL - Multiplies the accumulator by the value of mailbox xx
20xx/DIV - Divides the accumulator by the value of mailbox xx
30xx/CLS - Clears the screen
40xx/PLT - Sets cell/pixel at MAILBOX(98),MAILBOX(99) to mailbox xx MOD 4
50xx/BNE - Jump to mailbox XX if the accumulator is nonzero
60xx/INC - Increase the accumulator by xx
70xx/DEC - Decrease the accumulator by xx
80xx/RSD - Sets the seed for RND to mailbox xx
90xx/RND - Sets the accumulator to RND(MAILBOX(97))

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2022-08-01 12:34

was8bit 2022-08-01 12:57

Cool :)

Timo 2022-08-03 14:33 (Edited)

Now you could make a variation with 16 bit numbers and replacing MAILBOX with PEEK and POKE and you could program actual LowRes NX software with it :)

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