CLIGUI 2022-09-17 19:25 (Edited)

Permine is a clicker styled mining game where you collect radioactive crystals.

You tap on the create (on the left hand side of the screen) to upgrade your level and increase your pay (until you exit the game). Money and crystals can saved by tapping the safe (on the lower right hand side of the screen). To see the crystals you have mined tap on the lower right hand side of the screen on the icon that says bin.

-8 blocks to mine
-7 crystal types (red, orange, yellow, Green, blue, indigo and violate)
-Inventory can be saved (optional)
-Runs on less then 5% cpu (usually around 3%)
-Debatably good pixel art
-1 goal system (to dig a certain amount)
-Different probabilities for each block and creat given upgrade

You have to save the game manually (I used this as a game mechanics to add human error).
I was going to add depth and mining achievements but I could not get them to save well. Permine stand for permanent mine. 13kb file

Version 1.5 fixes a overflow bug, changes the bin shading slightly and lets you hold to mine instead of tapping.

CLIGUI 2022-09-17 19:31

I learned proper ram saving from an explanation by qwaffe.

CLIGUI 2022-09-17 19:42

Create cost 4 times your level and will not guarantee a LV upgrade

was8bit 2022-09-18 04:20

Love the game ... :D

your GOSUB via my cheats causes a stack overflow...

Also SAVE doesn’t save level or cash..

Here is my cheater version ;)

Permine Wcheats.nx | Open in app
2022-09-18 04:20

was8bit 2022-09-18 04:21

Also, RANDOMIZE TIMER ensures game will be different each time you start the game over ;)

was8bit 2022-09-18 04:26

You 2 possible fixes for the stack overload crash:


Or replace GOTO INTERFACE at the bottom of the reward code with RETURN

was8bit 2022-09-18 04:28

GOSUB always needs a RETURN just like DO needs LOOP and FOR needs NEXT and WHILE needs WEND.... etc...

Timo 2022-09-18 08:24

Nice animation!

G-9 2022-09-18 08:26

I love this

CLIGUI 2022-09-18 12:25

Thanks I will fix the overflow (thought I did lol). I will release a improved version in a little while.

McPepic 2022-09-18 12:48

Really addictive! Good work @CLIGUI

CLIGUI 2022-09-18 12:55

Thanks, I just upgraded it so try this improved version

McPepic 2022-09-18 13:12

I noticed that the block won’t mine if you click/hold the shaded area. I assume this is a bug.

CLIGUI 2022-09-18 13:19 (Edited)

It does that because the invisible sprite I use for the mouse is very small but it works on the shaded area if you move it around a bit

SP4CEBAR 2022-09-18 14:25 (Edited)

Awesome game! I love the Isometric style

At the moment you can hold instead of click, if not intentional, you should use TAP
instead of TOUCH

GAMELEGEND 2022-09-18 19:15

Alright that is one cool animation!

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