desbyc 2019-01-25 19:13 (Edited)
Here is a new editon of my Soundpad.
Build your own sounds with the Sound Composer.
Now you can select your favorit sounds (inst 0-15) and play it with the 4 pads.
You can press the record-button (the round) and every touch on the pads will be recorded.
Press the record-button again and the record will stop.
Now press play (the triangle) and your records will be played.
During the recording you can change the sound and play it and it will be recorded.
During the recording you can change the pitch of the sound, play it and it will be recorded.
You can mute the voice by pressing the button with the speaker.
You can clear the voic by pressing the del-button.
Right from play- and record-button you find the speed-controll.
Any questions?
Play arround with it and you will have fun. I prommise;-).
Sounds from 0 to 9 are filled.
PS: You can NOT save your recordings!!! If you end the program, your pattern get lost.
New Version:
Now you have a button for settings (SET).
A new screen loads with settings:
Volume for each voice
Patternlength for each voice
Max_patternlength for all voices
There are some things buggy, but i think it is good enough for use;-).
desbyc 2019-01-25 21:15
For use with iOS , remove the TOCHSCREEN comand.
Timo 2019-01-26 08:00
Looks cool and I like the recording function!
The current iOS app is up to date and this program should work without changes.
desbyc 2019-01-26 08:24
Ah, Ok. I used 1.3 from testflight. I updated now from the appstore to 1.4. Now it works. 👍😀Thanks.
Timo 2019-01-26 09:36
Yeah, I should always upload the latest version to TestFlight, too...
Timo 2019-01-27 20:54
A metronome would be cool. Beep bop bop bop beep bop bop bop, something like this.
desbyc 2019-01-28 10:08
Yes,but then a voice get lost. Thatswhy i implemented this little animation. Remember, this is not a tool for precise music making. It is for experimenting and live performance. I will make a track soon and post a link. So you can see what is possible.
Timo 2019-01-28 11:03
The metronome could always look for a free voice. If no voices are left, you probably have enough rhythm and don’t need it anymore.
Anyway, it’s just an idea. You can do what you want ;)
desbyc 2019-01-28 17:56
New version with Metronom. It runs on voice 3. With the new blue button you can now toggle on/off. If you switch it back to on, the notes on the position of the beeps will be deleted and the beeps come back😀.
desbyc 2019-01-28 18:43
Bugfix 😬