Song Info 1.0


nathanielbabiak 2022-12-15 14:46

If you make large music compositions, it can be difficult to monitor sounds and tracks that are utilized, available, or duplicated.

Towards the end of your composition, you may feel like you've "run out of room".

This tool will allow you to check for any available sounds and tracks, so that you can keep composing!

SP4CEBAR 2022-12-15 20:25 (Edited)

there may be a way to detect if there's no NX disk so that tool programs can load a demo file if no disk was detected, the browser NX player will still run without a disk

there's no try-catch, but there is save and load and name, if no data is returned then there's probably no disk, saving probing data would probably corrupt a file, unless it's saved to rom entry 0 or a rom entry with no name

SP4CEBAR 2022-12-15 20:35 (Edited)

I just made a disk detector

nathanielbabiak 2022-12-16 02:07

The console doesn't allow detecting if a disk is missing, only if files are empty. From your link it appears you've concluded the same, correct?

nathanielbabiak 2022-12-16 02:07

The console doesn't allow detecting if a disk is missing, only if files are empty. From your link it appears you've concluded the same, correct?

SP4CEBAR 2022-12-16 08:46 (Edited)

Correct: I found that "no disk" has default ROM entries and it has memory capacity making it indistinguishable from an empty disk

SP4CEBAR 2022-12-16 08:55

Wait a second, your program already detects "error missing tracks", you could run a COPY ROM(10),SIZE(10) TO $A000 and run the program again

nathanielbabiak 2022-12-16 12:30

I'm not much of an artist, I don't have any music to contribute.

Also, I'm more concerned that someone might accidentally use a tool directly (rather than from the tool menu). (They'd see some data, potentially get confused about which window they're in, and accidentally rely upon false data. It potentially wastes their time.)

You can modify your own copy, if you want...

SP4CEBAR 2022-12-16 13:03 (Edited)

Okay, done,
unclear errors are indeed not wanted

Song Info 1.0.nx | Open in app
2022-12-16 13:03

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