SP4CEBAR 2023-01-15 11:55
Insert this in your code to get the "RELEASE" and "RELEASED" global variables as an extension for "TAP" and "TOUCH"
It uses an ON VBL CALL
was8bit 2024-02-19 19:05 (Edited)
Hiya, a little something i wanted to share with you... this forum is technically for lowresNx games, so that is why i wanted to post it here as it's just meant to be shared with just you...
In a related note, i have always wanted to mesh together several games... this game (which i own on old copy of for an early version of windows) https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/nes/587637-spiritual-warfare/faqs/3092 And mix it up with this board game (which i also own) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redemption_(card_game) .. .. and i like the idea of using the fruits of the spirit as helpful "weapons" that make things better, and also using the armor of god with the sword of the spirit to fight the spiritual forces...
... its on my never ending todo list ;)
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-20 15:52
Cool! I didn't know about these Christian games
By the way, I have plans to make an artifact hunting game that is interwoven with biblical storylines
was8bit 2024-02-20 18:24
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-20 19:55
Now I realize what the program is about, that's sweet!
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-20 20:59
A good book to get inspiration from to make Christian games is the Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. This book is about the literal journey of the life of a character named "Christian" with all kinds of obstacles that he will overcome.
was8bit 2024-02-21 05:15
I love that book :):)
My goal for here is to make something that uses the specifics without connecting directly.. anyone who knows would get the connections, others would just play the game….
I want to respect Timo, that this space is meant for sharing games that are not too extreme, just old school style games …
In The old window game, had you not read the manual where they explain the connections, you would not directly see it as a Christian game as you play the game… so that would be my goal too
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-21 08:08
Nice, my plan for an artifact-collecting game will allow players to experience stories of the Bible through the snippets of scripture they collect in the game, and with that, the game will preach the gospel, the main storyline, as well
was8bit 2024-02-21 11:21
.... i would hesitate about using scripture in a game...
Timo's terms of use include...
Be nice and respectful with everybody.
There is no place for racism and gender discrimination.
Keep comments relevant to the topic. Don't spam and don't ask for likes.
And also consider that your "home page" offers a great link, and "should" someone chose to click on it, they will receive plenty of helpful info, and of course there are tons of free bibles available... my favorite one is use all the time is the app E-Sword :)
My worry is that, so far all games here have been generic... some may be suggestive, but still generic... and i can only envision people getting upset if they feel like they are being proselytized... and my thinking is that this place is not the place for argument and disruption... and if it came do that, in a worse case scenario, this place might get shut down and we might lose this space...
My best recommendation is to avoid obvious things like scriptures... i see no problem with simple well known references like noah's ark, etc. and keep then game on a gaming goal like looking for and collecting lost items that just happen to be taken from biblical accounts..
Now, anyone who realizes that the biblical items may be inspired to download a free bible, or may read your main page and see your link...
now, should they chose to click that link, thats their choice, and it has plenty of helpful stuff there... BUT they at least have the option to NOT click on that link..
If you go all out in your game and it keeps posting scriptures, technically they are being forced to exposed to that just to play your game..
was8bit 2024-02-21 11:28
Now, in my game, i would call it "Fruits of the Spirit" and you actually throw fruit at things, and the fruit will actually help citizens ... and you would also get armament and sword that just happens to match the armor of God, but i won't call them that specifically, but you would use your armament and sword to fight the dark forces that are determined to harm citizens...
So the game's goal would be two fold: help the citizens, and fight the dark forces...
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-21 13:01 (Edited)
Sure, don't worry, I have no plans to start working on it soon, and I may develop it in a game engine like Godot so I can publish it on platforms like Steam or the Google play store.
but the Bible is nice and respectful. It doesn't advocate racism (anyone can be saved) nor gender discrimination (even though some interpret it as such).
I definitely agree that the bible is controversial, just like Jesus mentioned in luke 12:51 (I happened to have read this today). But the most important message anyone can hear is how they can be saved from hell.
was8bit 2024-02-21 19:13 (Edited)
Absolutely, but also it says to be considerate of others…
… lowresNX games can be played on apple or windows, so you could develop the game as you like, host it elsewhere as a download, the provide a link to the download on your home page…
You could store all your Christian games there, and anyone could easily choose to download and play…
Historically, friction between differing religion and politics can quickly degrade into very bad things… even the Bible says if you offer to share the Bible and people don’t want to hear, walk away… it even says that even God will eventually abandon insistent sinners to their sins
An old saying says “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink”…
In a broader perspective, everyone has the opportunity to improve themselves, and slowly become better people over time, with focus and purpose… but too often people are “just fine, thank you” and have no desire to grow and improve… few New Years resolutions ever get done ever…
Once a person has heard… it’s then up to them and their will to accept or reject… it’s their choice, even God doesn’t desire anyone to perish, but He gives everyone free will and respects their decisions even brings them a bad ending….
was8bit 2024-02-21 19:16
Anyways, I think generally we are on the same relative page ;)
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-21 19:50 (Edited)
I also wanted to add Romans 10:13 and 14 to your previous message
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-21 20:00
Anyways, thanks for the initiative for this conversation! it is a welcome surprise to meet fellow believers online.
was8bit 2024-02-22 05:11
Yes I agree with that scripture… it also says to study so you can be ready to give an answer…
… also, each have their given abilities
… for myself, I always use things like “lord a mercy” “i ain’t jesus, I can’t work miracles”, i only trust in the big man upstairs” and I point up.. etc etc as part of my daily conversation with anyone…
… it’s “soft” enough that if anyone doesn’t agree they can just ignore it as I go on with a normal conversation… but i definitely add it in just out habit… those who are interested will ask me spiritual questions … usually when we are rather alone so they can get serious … and i always refer my answers to scripture that apply…but i leave it at that.. some are just curious, some are serious … but I ALWAYS put into the conversation that it’s about their relationship with Jesus and that his blood pays the price for our sins.. that is always the core for me…
Whenever you get ahold of anyone who you can tell is arguing like Satan has in the Bible, it is very important to argue less, and “double down” on just quoting scripture…. It’s what Jesus did when Satan tried attacking him… God’s word is your spiritual sword.. your own argumentative words pale in comparison to a direct quote of scripture… if you have done your memorization of scripture, God will give you the needed scriptures they need to here :)
After all .. WE don’t really do anything but point them to Jesus… HE does the rest ;)
And to wrap this up… after I finish answering a persons questions, I always tell them to read the Bible for themselves, as my explanations are MY words, and the Bible is God’s words… to always verify what you hear me explain with what the Bible actually says…
So, this last paragraph is for you too…. Please verify everything I have posted here with God’s word ;)
SP4CEBAR 2024-02-22 07:20
Thank you very much!
was8bit 2024-02-23 02:20