
Weird gamepad I found


412lop 2023-02-12 02:47

It’s the same as gamepad 2 but the position of the buttons are weird.

The Lost Gampad.nx | Open in app
2023-02-12 02:47

Timo 2023-02-12 07:40

Oh, that’s interesting! Never tested this.

SP4CEBAR 2023-02-18 10:32

POKE $FF76,1 is 1 player
POKE $FF76,2 is 2 players
POKE $FF76,3 is both 1 and two players
This may come in handy at some point

SP4CEBAR 2023-02-18 10:45

You inspired me to turn on both gamepad 0 and touchscreen, posted here

Timo 2023-02-18 22:17

I thought I also checked pokes… looks like I missed something.
Just keep in mind that programs using touch and gamepad won’t play nicely on computers, especially with a physical gamepad connected.

SP4CEBAR 2023-02-19 08:59

It's a single poke that sets multiple bits that are in the same byte, maybe that's not checked
I think it still works on computers with the mouse and the arrow buttons
Does a physical gamepad even work with touchscreen?

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