Work in Progress

Nature Bot - Unfinished project


S3B4 2023-06-05 18:28

An unfinished project from many years ago. The idea was that you would play as a bot that could scan animals and gain their abilities. However, due to life getting busier and the code becoming cluttered and unreadable, the project was eventually abandoned. This is the latest copy I have and I might as well share it. I might go back to it.

- press the pause button to open the menu.
- most animal abilities have not been implemented but the following have: frog, monkey, penguin, and bird.
-there are 2 ‘levels’. Change the level by changing the “MAP” variable at the start. 3 - jungle, 4 - aquarium.

Abandoned.nx | Open in app
2023-06-05 18:28

S3B4 2023-06-05 18:29

Every copy of Nature Bot is personalized.

Timo 2023-06-05 19:50

Nice to see something from you again :)

was8bit 2023-06-05 21:02

I completely understand "busy life".... gotta take care of life things ;)

Thanks for sharing :)

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