ALL NINE battle dice


was8bit 2023-06-30 04:51 (Edited)

Based on a real French card game... it's really fun, and has a basic computer AI

1) Computer play at top, you play at bottom, rolled dice in the middle
2) WHITE arrow shows whose turn it is... (dice auto roll)

TO PLAY, tap a rolled dice, then tap where to play, then tap OK (SKIP if u cant play)

White dice: only on unplayed # circles
RED/GREEN: only on un# circles, IF matching white # has already been played

GOAL, get all nine white numbers played (without reds if its a hard win)

1) GREEN DICE protect
2) RED DICE attack
3) RED+GREEN cancel each other out
4) GREEN+GREEN forever protect a #
5) RED+RED eliminates a #

First player to reach winning goal WINS THE GAME :)

Update: added 2 player VS. or original 1player against computer

All Nine 2.0.nx | Open in app
2023-06-30 17:29
All Nine.nx | Open in app
2023-06-30 04:51

was8bit 2023-06-30 04:55

... so i recomend playing white and green dice on yourself, and red dice on the computer

I will let you discover your own winning strategy ;)

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