Work in Progress

Snakecrawl Game&Tool


was8bit 2024-02-01 17:47 (Edited)

The numbers represent the total of snakes above,below,right,left of the surrounding space...

#'s turn green when you meet the target, and turn red when the actual # doesn't match the target#

Arrow keys = move snake

... you must end up on the same spot you started in
... you do not always have to play on all dots, but sometimes you do have to...

(A) Undo last move
(B) Retry current board
(PAUSE) will eventually let you choose a board#, doesn't work yet...

Game mode works, Tool mode does not... LOTS of stuff to add...

SnakeCrawl 0.5.nx | Open in app
2024-02-02 18:51
SnakeCrawl 0.4.nx | Open in app
2024-02-02 05:11
SnakeCrawl 0.3.nx | Open in app
2024-02-01 19:00
SnakeCrawl 0.2.nx | Open in app
2024-02-01 18:52
SnakeCrawl 0.1.nx | Open in app
2024-02-01 17:47

was8bit 2024-02-01 18:53

Anyone is welcome to take and play with v0.1 as i have upgraded to a smaller layout with more target numbers...

was8bit 2024-02-02 18:25 (Edited)

To do...

... get code to recognize last puzzle... currently it just gets stuck ... FIXED

... add more puzzle boards... ADDED 1 more

... need to add ability to see finished board for help...

was8bit 2024-02-03 18:55 (Edited)

.... i am currently changing the storage method of a game board, as the current method is abit tedious..

The new method will include a built-in TOOL that will let you use PLAY=0 to design a board, and then save it inside as pixels in a graphic cell... the player code will read the individual pixels in the graphic cell and convert that data into a playable board..

I am fleshing out the code in another program ...

was8bit 2024-02-03 18:57 (Edited)

This is possible as the graphic cell and my game board are both 8x8.. and each pixel can be 0,1,2,3 and for the game board each point can define as no path, right path, down path, or both right and down paths... ;)

was8bit 2024-02-04 05:30

So, i manually created my first board data via character 64 ;)

code reads, loads, and plays it :)

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