
HEX 3x3 size


was8bit 2024-02-11 22:42 (Edited)

This resource makes a nice array of HEX layout, leaving about 10 available sprites for other things...

.... feel free to use if you want :)

There are now two layouts available...


All hex sprites are numbered in order, Sprite#1 being the top left hex

XTRA version demos code that links one HEX to a nearby HEX

PLUS version has a variable SNUG at top
SNUG=0 .... Hex with spaces
SNUG=1 .... Hex snug together, no spaces

HEX 3x3 Xtra.nx | Open in app
2024-02-14 08:30
HEX-alt 3x3 size.nx | Open in app
2024-02-12 16:20
HEX 3x3 size.nx | Open in app
2024-02-12 04:35
HEX 3x3 size.nx | Open in app
2024-02-11 22:42

moechofe 2024-02-16 18:01

+1 for the non 8x8 blocky look.

was8bit 2024-02-16 19:01

Do you mean the black space between them?...

The hex cells can be redesigned... for example make them solid green for a field, then add buildings or trees or whatever... in this case one will need the black borders to delineate the different areas..

This is an available resource for everyone.. feel free to rework or remix :)

moechofe 2024-02-18 10:36

No I was talking about the fact that, almost all programs made by the community use 8x8 pixels art style. On my breakout clone I was using 8x12, a more challenging and eyes pleased IMHO.

moechofe 2024-02-18 10:39

ok, "almost" is too much.

was8bit 2024-02-18 15:22

Ah, yes.... i agree...

But the limitations of lowesNX cannot use more than 64 sprites, so for a smaller hex layout, i like my raster trick best for smaller cell layouts...

was8bit 2024-02-18 15:50

This example offers an easier method if filling the screen with a small cell hex layout...

EZ Hex 2.nx | Open in app
2024-02-18 15:50

was8bit 2024-02-18 18:45

This one seems to be the best balanced...

EZ Hex 3.nx | Open in app
2024-02-18 18:46

was8bit 2024-02-18 18:48

The only trick is the math to make board play as it looks... i can do the math, its just another layer of bother...

... for example, consider some kind of card solitaire played on this board ;)

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