Pick 5 card game


was8bit 2024-07-28 11:53 (Edited)

Work in progress....

V5.1 real time scoring, got this finally figured out :)
V5.2 currently only players hand is scored...
V5.3 computers hand is now scored and shown :)

Your smilies
Your dealt cards
Your red/green -/+
Tweaked results that score
Computer smilies
Computer scoring cards

TAP your Tweak cards to swap or turn on/off
TAP the blue button to tally up the scores

Whoever scores more will win their points...
... but the loser will lose a smilie and cannot score

Game is over when someone loses all of their smiles...
Only the player who still has smilies will win the match and score their points

(game will track in PERSIST MEMORY computer/player match wins, high scores)

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2024-07-28 11:53

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