was8bit 2024-08-18 16:09 (Edited)

Hold (A) to begin moving a selected tile
Release on an empty spot to drop selected tile

Tap (B) to undo moves...

ALL moves are stored, and undo operates in reverse order... LIFO

... please test, l think it all works ok ;)

TEST 2 handles stacks... it does NOT consider what the tiles say, it DOES make sure it does not move a stack over existing tiles....

UNDO seems to restore the stacks properly... if you test the #2 test, let me know how it goes :)

V2.1 = Fixed bug which added a blank space to the end of a stack (erasing any tile in that spot)

UNDO Test 2.nx | Open in app
2024-08-19 23:11
Undo Test 1.nx | Open in app
2024-08-18 16:09

Pablo 2024-08-19 02:22

Very cool! I think it works well, but now i want to play dominoes...

was8bit 2024-08-19 03:43

Thanks for testing…. :)

Feel free to use the code if u like…

Dominos sound about tricker as each piece has two (or more) sides …

I own triominoes ;)

was8bit 2024-08-19 03:45

My next test will be to use the stored top piece to track moving a stack… not sure how that will flesh out until i try it ;)

was8bit 2024-08-20 02:11 (Edited)

A sneak peek....

Pablo 2024-08-20 03:21 (Edited)

I found some glitches, and had a little fun creating a replay functionality.

It helped me to forget, i invite you a glass of milk my friend. Seriously, i don't like alcohol...

was8bit 2024-08-20 12:32 (Edited)

Ah, thankyou :) how about a zevia ;)

The glitches are because i have solitaire on my mind... in the open environment of just tiles, we would want to make those moves.... but i believe in a solitaire card game, i think it should work...

I am currently trying to flesh out an actual solitaire layout .... the controls are all different though, not sure about the new controls... when i get it kinda working right, i will give it its own home... i am trying to duplicate that double solitaire i showed you, and UNDO is a very important part of winning that game...

was8bit 2024-08-21 15:03

So, here is a version where i am focusing in keeping things as simple as possible, while keeping things very organized so one can expand on the finished game...

This version needs alot done, but it is kinda playable...

.... i have just now realized thaf my UNDO feature must not only work for the main playing area, but also for the draw deck and the finish piles.... much careful though t must take these into consideration on how all of these will properly work togeether...

My Solitaire.nx | Open in app
2024-08-21 15:03

was8bit 2024-08-21 15:06

The HARD version will hopefully be a duplicate of that double solitaire game i showed you on that one app... :)

was8bit 2024-08-21 15:31 (Edited)

Oops... i just now discovered a bug with my existing UNDO... it adds a blank space at the end of a stack... which actually you showed me but i missed it...

It still shouldn't effect a standard solitaire game, but i will fix it :)

Fixed... so 3 tiles where counted as 0-3 which is actually 4 tiles...
... changing 3 tiles to 0-2 fixed the bug ;)

was8bit 2024-08-22 04:53

Wowzers, this is going to take some time....

.... but, when i am done, this could be a powerful solitaire system...

My Solitaire 0.2.nx | Open in app
2024-08-22 04:55

Pablo 2024-08-23 02:07

Undo works well, a Zevia for you and another glass of milk for me.

Thanks for being here, i like the new tiny cards.

was8bit 2024-08-23 04:14 (Edited)

I appreciate u2 ;)

Thanky on the cards…. If u noticed I have left spaces for double wide cards for future upgrades, but for now i am trying to keep it simple…

I am very motivated to get this specific one done and done right as i really enjoy the backup (undo) that the one solitaire app has…

if I can pull it off, and keep the code very simple and easy to read, it will be a great system to use for all kinds of variations later on…

Anyway, thanks the zevia :) i luv them all but the ginger root beer is my favorite :D it’s my treat to myself after a hard days work, to get a cold can out of the fridge, pop it open, and wash the work woes away ;) I also like to relax by watching the arthur cartoons, as it reminds me of a simpler childhood, and it always leaves me with a more positive feeling :)

… just about ready to go and do just that ;) … take care :)

Pablo 2024-08-27 03:17 (Edited)

You must love solitaire games. I like puzzles the most.

I didn't know Arthur. Thanks for that, just what i needed now.

was8bit 2024-08-27 13:17

Cards and tiles (like dominoes) have been around for forever in human history... the other game format that has been equally been around for forever are "race" style games, like chutes and ladders, hare and tortise, parchesi, and others where you run around a track or finish a race... chess, checkers, etc have been around about as long..

... i love games in general... but i like a game where i have about a 50/50 chance of winning, and in standard solitaire almost always you lose, which isn't any fun ;)

I like puzzles too, but generally you almost always lose, until you figure the puzzle out... then you almost always win...

That one double solitaire game i showed you was closest to that 50/50 odds for everytime you play it... and unlike a puzzle, that solitaire game is really never the same game twice, so it always feels fresh each time i play it ;)

.... also, i own over 100 board, card, etc. games and have always made rule variations for all my games... with my own family i have taught them regular, chinese, and japanese chess... as well as we together have made and played about a dozen variations of chess, with warp edges, bigger board designs for 3,4 players, powerups, powerzones, walls/mountains, etc...

When i was younger, i did the same thing with sports... for example, i invented tackle basketball ;) so you can drive thru an opponent, and your opponent may then try to tackle you down ;) of course i did break my arm at one point ...

My brain never really shuts down, even when i am asleep... so i am always thinking about something... even when i am asleep...

was8bit 2024-08-27 13:24

... @aurthur, if you watch it thru the PBS app, you won't get odd loud comercials which tend to wake me up... the volume stays about the same for hours... so even if you keep the volume low where you can barely hear them talk, you will never be woke up with a loud commercial... there are about two episodes where the baby cries for a long while, but normally the remaining episodes are on the quieter side ;)

... i also use a variety of fans and noise machines to create different ambiance where my brain can focus on the ambiance and quiet down enough to get some sleep...

Pablo 2024-08-28 14:33 (Edited)

I like stuff that require observation rather than knowledge, and so i like your creativity. I'd love to try that basketball game, but for now i need both my arms.

I knew you were into tabletop games, by looking at your stuff. I'm sure interested in board games.

I've been playing Othello from childhood. And recently, Nine Men's Morris. So i made this:


was8bit 2024-08-29 04:05 (Edited)

Cool :)

Goto game search and type in "animal"... you will find 3 of my games... the first one is based on the oldest board game, Senet...the second one is a puzzle variation of sudoku... the third is based on a real life dice game, but it does involve some clever strategy ;)

was8bit 2024-08-29 04:08

.... also, try looking up "Dou Shou Qi", a chinese game... i cant remember if i ever made a variation of it here... but i think you might like it :)

was8bit 2024-08-29 04:17

... also, take a look at this game... its one of my favorite games, and it plays like a board game ;)


was8bit 2024-09-02 03:10 (Edited)

.... here is a sneak peek of a game i found, and my variation...

... it "should" play kinda like chinese checkers...

Kokono Race.nx | Open in app
2024-09-02 03:11

was8bit 2024-09-04 04:10

My brain is currently running at warp speed ;)

.... my current work on Top Shop ...

Top Shop 0.01.nx | Open in app
2024-09-04 04:10

was8bit 2024-09-04 04:46 (Edited)

Think "monopoly" with a few twists...

1) watch the players move about... whenever they stop, they can interact with the space/shop above them... travel is not a simple circle around the board...

2) rather than rent, you buy stuff from shops... if the shop is empty, you can actually buy it away from it's owner ;)

3) you can use the elevators (random), stop at the special spots (a bank, etc) and the dice sometimes do things rather than move the player...

Top Shop 0.02.nx | Open in app
2024-09-04 04:46

was8bit 2024-09-10 04:35

I have had two 3-days off these last two weeks... had plenty of free time to explore ideas ;)

... but now i have to go back to a heavy schedule.... oh well, it was fun while it lasted ...

Pablo 2024-09-11 05:41

Woah, cool games. It would be fun to find strategies...

I like your Top Shop game, i think it has potential.

was8bit 2024-09-11 10:00

Thanky :) i love the actual game... mine cant be as fancy, but it will be a fun challenge :)

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