Merry Melody


was8bit 2024-10-31 03:59 (Edited)

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10 songs included :)

Merry Melody.nx | Open in app
2024-11-01 07:43
Merry Melody.nx | Open in app
2024-11-01 07:40
Merry Melody.nx | Open in app
2024-10-31 03:59

was8bit 2024-11-01 07:51 (Edited)

If anyone wants to contribute a song, i would be happy to add it, but it requires very strict limitations:

1) very simple and short melody, (most likely will be a childrens song)
2) key of C only
3) limited range: C D E F G A B C in ascending order
4) data 12345678 is cdefgabc
5) 0 adds one beat not played (can simulate a held note)

.... if you just want to give me a plain set of #'s i can format them for you ;)

was8bit 2024-11-01 07:53

For variety i included a german, french, and japanese song

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