Cclx33 2019-04-08 02:12 (Edited)
V1.1 Add Chord.
C,Dm,Em,F,G,Am press the white key.
D,E,A press the black key.
was8bit 2019-04-08 04:18
Classic :)
Timo 2019-04-08 05:57
You can insert
ENVELOPE 1,0,8,0,8
at the beginning to get a more piano like sound. Then you should change TOUCH to TAP, so the sound gets started only once per touch.
Cclx33 2019-04-08 07:10
Timo, thank you. I will try it.
Tinycloud778 2019-04-08 19:27 (Edited)
Wow really nice
Cclx33 2019-04-09 01:54
Thank you.