Timo explain why....


Mrlegoboy 2019-04-28 22:33

Why does it not save my file here?

Why is there a limit to file count if the files dont all start at a certain point?

Why is there a working DATA and READ function but no WRITE function?

Why do i have to load the entire string of bytes onto the machine all at once to save a file?

Why can’t i just save a DIM() as a file?

Why can’t i access working ram with POKE?

Can i access a variable or array of variables through the working RAM?

CamleeW 2019-04-28 22:42


Mrlegoboy 2019-04-29 01:46

Now when i try to write to RAM it lets me.... weird

Mrlegoboy 2019-04-29 01:50

Actually i get why it isnt working now, I’m a little retarded

Mrlegoboy 2019-04-29 01:58

I thought that it wouldn’t let me access ram because that was where all of the actual code was being processed and where variables were being stored, which when i think about it is rediculous because you cant fit all of that in there

Mrlegoboy 2019-04-29 01:59

I still dont know why i couldnt access the ram that one time

CamleeW 2019-04-29 03:04

Oh ok. Why is everyone else dead today? I posted like three games and not even ma bro was8bit has replied to them. I’m starting to get creeped out...

was8bit 2019-04-29 10:23

FILES are designed to work only with TOOLS... this is a simulation, files are like data placed onto a game cartridge.. in older systems, this data was permanently placed when the cartridge was made... once bought this data on the cartrdige didn’t change...

Working with RAM is difficult primarily because there is no easy way to “see” what you are doing... you can “assume” it’s doing what you think it should be doing, but if you somehow make a mistake it simply quietly doesn’t work but won’t tell you why ;)

was8bit 2019-04-29 10:25

@CamleeW, I gotta work and sleep bra ;)

was8bit 2019-04-29 10:27

I “TRY” to work things with the BASIC commands as they are more easily impemented... I’ll do the PEEK POKE as needed but it requires much more vigilance not to screw things up.. ;)

Timo 2019-04-29 17:31

Let's see...

> Why does it not save my file here?
First look: You only save 2 bytes (see parameters). Also it doesn't save to the current program, but to the virtual disk, did you check this?

> Why is there a limit to file count if the files dont all start at a certain point?
In NX everything has limits ;) Internally it's a non-dynamic C array. The number 16 was just invented. Keep in mind that you can create big BGs and just copy the parts to screen you want to show, or in a music file you can actually put lots of shorter songs.

> Why is there a working DATA and READ function but no WRITE function?
WRITE in LowRes Coder was meant for tools, but this concept was replaced by the ROM and virtual disks.

> Why do i have to load the entire string of bytes onto the machine all at once to save a file?
This could be improved by adding new BASIC commands for "serial" file handling. I thought about it but it didn't have priority for me. SAVE was the most simple solution.

> Why can’t i just save a DIM() as a file?
You would have to decide how to convert the values to bytes, this cannot be done automatically (at least not optimized). With "serial" file handling this could be done manually, but currently I don't have plans for it.

> Why can’t i access working ram with POKE?
Maybe you used wrong addresses and accessed the ROM? Working RAM should be "pokable".

> Can i access a variable or array of variables through the working RAM?
No, BASIC variables are somewhere else and not accessible. Originally I wanted to do this, but it was too complicated.

CamleeW 2019-04-29 19:52


Mrlegoboy 2019-05-01 10:07

Ok neat

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