How To

How to show a Sprite with + of 2 characters ?


G-9 2019-11-01 08:42

Please help me. I draw a Sprite as character 1,2 and 3 but he shows only one part of my drawing.

was8bit 2019-11-01 13:57

Could you post what you have so we can see it?

was8bit 2019-11-01 14:09 (Edited)

IF you are wanting a SPRITE to be SIZE 1, a 2x2 size, and you set the sprite to character 1 with SPRITE #,X,Y,1 ... then it will automatically use character numbers...

001 ... 002
017 ... 018

To create the 2x2 block

If set the SIZE 3 with SPRITE #,X,Y,1 then to create the 4x4 it will use characters
001 ... 002 ... 003 ... 004
017 ... 018 ... 019 ... 020
033 ... 034 ... 035 ... 036
049 ... 050 ... 051 ... 052

Try to be careful to keep the "graphic block" on one character page, because it can get confusing as if you started at the bottom like say SPRITE #,X,Y,49 and had SPRITE 1 for a 2x2 character then it will use characters....

049 ... 050
065 ... 066

Which is on the first page and the second page... it WILL work, but it is easier to design your graphic for one sprite on one page....

was8bit 2019-11-01 14:14

Also, while editing your graphic, place the cursor on the top left charcter for your 2x2 block, (in your case, character 1) and on the buttons, below the DISK button, you will see a 16x16 button... click that and now you can edit your 2x2 graphic all at once :)

Just be sure to hit the BACK button, then DISK, then SAVE to save your changes :)

was8bit 2019-11-01 14:17

If you look at this mathematically.... If the top left block is character 1, then.....

the remaining characters to its right are +1 for each character to its right

And the characters below the top left corner are +16 for each character below it

was8bit 2019-11-01 14:21

So, mathematically, if you know the character # for the top left corner of a 4x4 block, then the math is...

+00 ... +01 ... +02 ... +03
+16 ... +17 ... +18 ... +19
+32 ... +33 ... +34 ... +35
+48 ... +49 ... +50 ... +51

G-9 2019-11-01 18:50


G-9 2019-11-01 19:13

This is the program

Program.nx | Open in app
2019-11-01 19:13

was8bit 2019-11-02 04:36

See if this is of any help.... :)

Program 2.nx | Open in app
2019-11-02 04:36

G-9 2019-11-02 04:50

Thanks !!!

was8bit 2019-11-02 05:04


was8bit 2019-11-02 05:07

If you noticed, i bumped "nintendo" over one pixel, as the last portion of the "o" would have been cut off...

Remember that each character cell is 8x8 pixels, and the whole cell is used, you cannot split it up... :)

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