
Pxl (was8bit read pixel test)


was8bit 2019-11-27 08:09 (Edited)

This is actually powered by the code written by nathanielbabiak

I just added a (re)test...

nathanielbabiak 2019-11-27 14:38

Very nice!

I noticed you had this line in your code “IF C>0 THEN”. Since LowRes considers any non-zero value “true”, there’s a speed improvement you can get by using “IF C THEN” instead, since it doesn’t perform the “>” or the “0“. (It’s one clock cycle vs. three.) It doesn’t effect this program too much, but I found it was a huge speed improvement when evaluating the MODE parameter in many of the subprograms I developed.

To check if a pixel is off, you can also use “IF NOT C THEN” (rather than “IF C = 0 THEN”) which is two clock cycles (rather than three).

was8bit 2019-11-27 15:57

.. thanks :)

Cool, great tips :)

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