
Get the Gold (game)


was8bit 2019-12-07 09:20 (Edited)

You and the computer both have a pile of gold coins, and are rolling dice to try to get each other's gold!

TAP screen at game title to start game

1) TAP the screen
... both players put a gold coin up in the "pot"
... dice begin to roll...
2) ... after dice have all been rolled, you may time to "cheat" and TAP one or two of your dice to reroll something better... HURRY as the computer will score the dice very quickly.
3) After the rolls have been assessed, a code is shown in the middle of the screen...
?? = no winner, pot gets bigger...
P< = player wins pot
>C = computet wins pot
.... end of round, begin new round of play (step 1)

was8bit 2019-12-07 09:36 (Edited)

It is possible to win... you have to be good at "cheating"...

... took me 15 minutes of play to win :)

Get the Gold!.nx | Open in app
2019-12-07 09:36

was8bit 2019-12-07 09:39

The upper #'s are coded scoring results...

The outer #'s rate for pairs (2) or triple (3)
If both players have pairs (or triples) then the inner #'s are their value (6 = sixes)

was8bit 2019-12-07 09:43

A couple of notes...

... occaisonally your 2nd reroll will appear to finish with a win, but the scoring actually began before the dice finished rolling and the computer scores on what the dice "was"

... the winning title doesnt show at the end of scoring, but at the beginning of a new round.... so if you won but didnt get the"winner" title, try tapping the screen to start the new round...youll get your title :)

Tinycloud778 2019-12-07 19:23


was8bit 2019-12-08 05:35

Thanks :)

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