LowRes NX v1.2 for Mac, Windows and iOS


Timo 2021-03-13 11:30

Version 1.2 is out. Now finally the new Gfx Designer replaces the old Char and BG Designer tools and the manual was updated to reflect this.

Windows: https://github.com/timoinutilis/lowres-nx/releases/download/v1.2/LowRes.NX.Win.zip

macOS: https://github.com/timoinutilis/lowres-nx/releases/download/v1.2/LowRes.NX.macOS.zip

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lowres-nx-coder/id1318884577?mt=8

LowRes NX is now in the shape I originally imagined. I think I should officially say now, that I'm not planning to work on new features anymore. I'm sorry for everyone expecting more to come, even I have some more ideas. But I started other projects and don't have enough time for everything.

In any case, I will still maintain LowRes NX. I will continue fixing bugs and keep the apps working with new system versions (especially iOS). And of course I will be here in the forum.

I hope you continue having fun with LowRes NX. With the new editor creating new content should be much more enjoyable.

CubicleHead 2021-03-13 13:54

What about Linux?

Timo 2021-03-13 14:19

As usual: You can build it from the source code. Just make sure you pull the latest changes from the repository (git pull).

G-9 2021-03-13 14:37

Too sad :'(

was8bit 2021-03-13 16:12

I am very greatfull for this wonderfull app, and this wonderfull community \(^_^)/

The ability to add systems and tools will continue to expand its capabilities :)

Thank you so much for all your hard work and continued support :D

nathanielbabiak 2021-03-15 02:04

Thanks Timo!

Roy___ 2021-03-17 14:06

Thank you Timo!

WhyCanInotThinkOfAName? 2021-03-17 22:28 (Edited)

thank you for maintaining it! what are the other projects by intulis? I'm really curous.

qwaffe 2021-03-18 00:59 (Edited)

you can go to the main site, inutilis.com and see some stuff

WhyCanInotThinkOfAName? 2021-03-18 01:09

thank you!

Timo 2021-03-18 07:15 (Edited)

Currently I’m finishing my very old adventure game:


I recreated my engine to make it multi-platform. Now we are revising the story and dialogues. But it will be in german only at first, not sure yet if we translate it.

BGelais 2021-05-08 14:07

are you planning for an Android version of the app?

Timo 2021-05-08 15:33

Sorry, an Android version won’t happen. Here is an old post about it: https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=476

But there is now LowRes NX for RetroArch which runs on Android. But it’s for playing only, no dev.

BGelais 2021-05-21 14:00

@Timo yes i tried that Retroarch version. I used a earlier version of Retroarch cause the latest version seems not have LowresNx in core's download list.

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