DavidBigBallz 2021-08-06 22:40
a game i edited credits to pac man dungeon adventure i edited his game and made it high quality
was8bit 2021-08-07 05:57
I dont mind you posting any remix of my stuff, so long you add "original game by was8bit"
I have a standing invitation to everyone, that they may post a remix any of my stuff... but it should be clearly evident that what they posted is a remix of my work...
For anyone else's work, it would be polite to ask them first if you can remix something of theirs... and if they say its OK, then be sure to post their name so it is clear who the original author is...
I am sure you have the right spirit, just mention the original author by name where everyone can see it :)
..... remixing others code is a great way to learn the language... just rember this courtesy when wanting to post remixes of someone else's work... :)
... welcome to lowres NX... feel free to post any questions... and browse thru all my stuff... i have a lot of stuff that you might find helpful :)
DavidBigBallz 2021-08-07 12:57
I edited it and made it a little higher quality
was8bit 2021-08-07 13:36
Ah thankyou :)
Although technically i am was8bit, not 8bitcoder ;) adding something like
(Original by was8bit)
Would be ok... you can use this same format when you remix other's works :)
was8bit 2021-08-07 13:40
You will also notice that if i did just a little change to someone's code, i wont post it on my list, instead i add it to a comment on their page... this is abit more repectful if the change is small... and if they like the change , they can add it to their next update, and put your name in the code for credit for what you added :)
DavidBigBallz 2021-08-07 13:48
i wanna code a game from scratch but how do you add a character and make that character score
was8bit 2021-08-07 16:38
Here are some helpful links ....
was8bit 2021-08-07 16:38
Please ask any questions as needed :)