BGelais 2021-10-03 18:17 (Edited)

This is my protation of my first arcade brawler game (was made on TIC-80 first) Enjoy! A nice challenge to do...and was finaly easy.

rev 2:
fixed seconds countdown in main stage.

rev 3:
-fixed kick/punch collision distance (was too Jedi loll)
-fixed boss's HP 100% refill on next rounds begins.

rev 4:
-fix Toe's face was horizontaly flipped on the hud.

rev 5:
-Inproved sprites collisions and reactions.

Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-11-24 17:26
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-11-23 22:24
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-11-23 17:34
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-10-29 00:28
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-10-13 16:27
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-10-04 15:41
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-10-04 03:13
Toe Mahawk.nx | Open in app
2021-10-03 18:17

wryhode 2021-10-03 18:31


-SkyLock24- 2021-10-03 18:55

Awesome game! Reminds me of the Double Dragon franchise.

Timo 2021-10-03 19:27

Really cool graphics and nice parallax scrolling :)

BGelais 2021-10-03 22:14 (Edited)

I wanted to port with that z axis effect With 4 directions but we cant put sprite's draw order priority from Y position.

G-9 2021-10-04 11:40

I love the story. It’s so relatable …

-SkyLock24- 2021-10-29 10:13

This game is great so far, but I think the player should have various attack combos as well as different forms of attack.

Timo 2021-11-23 21:13

Buuuh, I liked the old logo more :(

BGelais 2021-11-23 23:02

You where right finaly!

Timo 2021-11-24 20:38


was8bit 2021-11-26 03:48

Here is my playable version ;)

was8bit 2021-11-26 03:49 (Edited)

I was trying to make a cheat were i could jump over people, and if i timed it right, do a jump and kick in the head...

BGelais 2021-11-26 15:48

@was8bit nice idea! :)

was8bit 2021-11-26 16:24

Thanks :)

A small jump straight up could also avoid an enemy kick attemp ;)

I just did a 1 minute hack, thats why my cheat is abit rough... but without cheats i often cant play regular action games... so with my cheat you can skywalk past the main stage till time runs out, then go straight to the boss ;)

SB micro 2022-05-13 10:24

I love this game ! 🤩 Very politicaly incorrect lool 😂

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