

nathanielbabiak 2022-05-28 01:34 (Edited)

Yet another work-in-progress update.

Tap [B] to move doors and secret panels. Hold [B] to circle-strafe. Debug shows framerate.

This is capped at 30 fps.

wolf3D.nx | Open in app
2022-05-31 06:31
Wolf3D.nx | Open in app
2022-05-28 01:34

GAMELEGEND 2022-05-28 01:50

this is a sight to behold

it blew my mind back then and it is blowing my mind now

was8bit 2022-05-28 04:27


G-9 2022-05-28 10:54 (Edited)

^ Now that's some quality content

"Dont press pause" : Me : proceeds 😏

McPepic 2022-05-28 16:16

I remember you saying that you couldn’t include enemies in the last version because of sprite limitations. Are you able to add them with the new display driver?

nathanielbabiak 2022-05-28 19:32

Yep, sprites will work. They'll be 8x8 textures projected onto 32x32 sprites, and they'll be partly hidden by walls, if applicable

McPepic 2022-05-28 19:51

Cool! Can't wait to see it.

GAMELEGEND 2022-05-29 15:13

nice pause transition

nathanielbabiak 2022-05-29 17:01 (Edited)

That first pause transition is one of around 20 screen transitions, the rest will be updated soon. In the next version, the pause button will also cycle special effects across the whole screen, but they could occur per-box (rather than whole screen) (and more than one could occur simultaneously). And, I've got the secret panels from Wolfenstein 3D working too.

GAMELEGEND 2022-05-29 17:15

oh i can't wait for the update!

nathanielbabiak 2022-05-31 06:28 (Edited)

Updated - pause transitions and secret panels work. I added four clearly-marked not-so-secret panels at the starting area to play with, and all the original secret panels from the original game are implemented too.

FYI - in a real game, levels would be arranged to ensure secret panels couldn't open towards you, but I think it looks cool to leave in this demo as-is, it provides a great sense of how much work goes into the 3D illusions.

Next up - polishing doors and secret panels. The doors and secret panels continue to move during pause, and the sounds need updated, and the volume doesn't decrease with distance.

After that's done, it's on to in-game sprites and 3D objects.

AstonBrown 2022-11-06 09:16

when will full version come in

nathanielbabiak 2022-12-18 05:28 (Edited)

I don't plan to create a faithful port of Wolfenstein 3D. (That might change in the future.) Based on feedback, the latest-and-greatest display system is here (You'll need to open the Nov. 29 version to see it though.) And, I'm taking a break from ray casting at the moment to give was8bit some time to develop the item interactions and maze walls.

I suppose I could finish the pause and sprite projection stuff now, but honestly I'm just working on stuff that's more fun.

was8bit 2023-07-01 03:39

Hiya :)

I will hopefully be getting some time here soon, with kids going back to school soon and hopefully getting a real day off from work...

I want to dig thru my programs and find our game codes and start getting my mind wrapped around it... am anxious to work on them again :)

was8bit 2023-07-03 12:55 (Edited)

I found my files (I have over 4,000 programs to sort thru, without the help of search) and am greatfull for your links as my versions got corrupted from me tinkering with them..

... I can't believe it's been half a year, but time becomes a blur when you are working 80hrs a week non-stop...

... i am reaquanting myself with the correct code now ;) this will be my #1 focus :) I am very much appreciative of your help :D

Now that I am back to normal hours (less than 60) I believe I will have the time and energy to stay focused...

nathanielbabiak 2023-07-04 02:35

Glad to hear it! I took some time away from this console too, but I think I might be coming back. I still check the uploads and forums regularly, so if you have anything to chat about I'm always around. :-)

nathanielbabiak 2023-07-04 03:10 (Edited)

I'm guessing we're actually talking about this post?

was8bit 2023-07-04 05:33

Yep :)

I am still recovering from the long bout of very long hours, and it will take some time for me to study over the code again...

I also found my little test program that rotates any room layout, will have to go over that code too..

... i have to try really hard to resist trying out new ideas for new games... i am limiting myself to only one little "game" at a time when i only have a minute here or there to fiddle with code...

... otherwise i will spend my bigger blocks of time on this game :) ... will post if i run into any issues or get stuck.... and when i get ready, i will start a new WIP to flesh out my progress ;)

Very much greatful for all the help :):):)

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