
Video Player Demo


Ericisonit 2023-08-24 08:10

Truncated to fit the 128KB max upload size, but you can have way more than just a couple dozen frames of video 🧠🫦

G-9 2023-08-24 13:14

very impressive

Timo 2023-08-24 13:49

This should be the new default format for web videos!

Timo 2023-08-24 13:53 (Edited)

This might interest you:

Even though it's the competition ;)

Pablo 2023-08-24 15:07


McPepic 2023-08-24 16:00

This is so cool! Now if only we could convert wav files to play in NX. I was working on one before, but couldn’t get the samples playing correctly. I was thinking of either converting the frequencies to notes and playing those or using the frequency registers directly, but I couldn’t figure out how to play a sound directly by modifying the frequency registers.

SP4CEBAR 2023-08-24 18:47 (Edited)

@McPepic you could use the approach from my mp3 player attempt, for wav files that would be:

  1. perform an FFT to turn the audio into a frequency spectrum
  2. get the frequencies and volumes of the four highest peaks
  3. play those frequencies and volumes through NX's sound registers on NX's four voices using triangle waves (because we don't have sine waves)

This should be the closest we can get to playing audio, I have no clue what it would sound like.

Ericisonit 2023-08-25 00:16

Working on a way to get more colors per frame, the algorithm to optimize per-raster palette sets has given me the biggest headache trying to figure out, but I’m close…

Ericisonit 2023-08-25 00:17

Oh and also gonna use Huffman trees and RLE’s to encode things and make them much more compact.

nathanielbabiak 2023-08-25 03:43 (Edited)

Stick to RLE's. The overhead for Huffman trees on datasets of this size make it unattractive. My posts under this upload might help you out.

SP4CEBAR 2023-08-25 07:29

What video format does it use? Is it a bitmap video?

Ericisonit 2023-08-25 08:17

I just made a program that opens the webcam and captures bitmap frames from it, resizes to the 80x64 dimensions, quantizes the pixels to the 64-color lowresnx palette, and since i'm using the technique from my QHD-or-whatever-i-called-it program - (where the raster callback shifts each row up halfway to fit the top-half of all 32 bg rows on the screen and uses both bg layers to cram 40 columns kinda the same way, only 1/4 of each tile is used, so you can have 4 double-sized pixels per tile, @2bpp and fit every possible combination of 4 4-color pixels within the 256 character part of video ram, so the character index of the tile is a bit-mask of the 4 pixels IN the tile, and each cluster of 4 can have its own palette, making it seem higher color resolution) - i just had it use a standard rainbow-ish type palette set and pick the best palette for each 2x2 cluster of pixels, then it's just a matter of streaming bytes to the $9000-$9FFF region of ram (char. index + palette index)... 4KB (8192 characters) for a full uncompressed frame, and then instead of storing each frame individually, i only had it calculate the differences between them, and the compressed frame data is just 4 bytes for each 2x2 cluster that is different (the character index byte and attribute/palette byte, preceeded by the 2-byte address at which to copy them, e.g. 9008FF06 puts char index 255 with palette 6 at tile {4,0} on BG 0)

luckily the fps kinda naturally just matched hehe

also, i wonder if because it's mostly the compressed frame data with very few repeating bytes... would RLE even do much good? of course, i could lay the bytes out differently to where it would be more compressible that way... hmmm, so many ways to crack an egg :-/

McPepic 2023-08-25 14:19

In case you haven’t seen it,
might give you some ideas for compression.

McPepic 2023-08-25 15:23 (Edited)

Also, I noticed that you’re using a lookup table to convert the hex string to a value. Is there a reason that you’re not doing:
VAL(“0X” + MID$(SZ$, I, 2))

Ericisonit 2023-08-29 08:03

I wish VAL worked that way, but it doesn't convert hex strings, it just uses atof under the hood.

McPepic 2023-08-29 14:06 (Edited)

I tried it on the program and it works. It actually just uses an Objective-C function. When you append “0x” to the string, it treats it as a hexadecimal value.

Check out the source code below:

qhdiffplayerlite.nx | Open in app
2023-08-29 14:13

Timo 2023-08-29 14:54 (Edited)

The core of LowRes NX is pure C and it uses "atoi" for the VAL function. Interestingly the standard "atoi" C function supports hex strings. (I didn't know when I made this, so it's a non-official feature, but I won't remove it.)

nathanielbabiak 2023-08-30 02:40

I'd seriously prefer using VAL( "0X" + ... ), but the datasets in this upload (and bad apple too) are actually little endian... except they're little *down to the nibble* (not even the byte!), so it's much slower than using an ATOH array. If the data was re-arranged so that it was big endian (or even little endian without being down to the nibble) it'd be much faster.

Ericisonit 2023-09-08 04:55

it's the whole having to use strings for the ginormous amounts of data beyond what a rom file can handle versus the string functions of the language and having to use a MID$(sz$,..,1) for each character since ASC only works with the first character (or use VAL on the concatenated "0X"+MID$(sz$,..,2)) - it's a give and take, if only we could use char pointers to walk the lengths of these strings ;)

nathanielbabiak 2023-09-08 15:30

Eh, I'm not convinced. VAL works 6 digits at a time, up to 24 bits, it just requires the string to be aligned and big-endian. It's much faster...

BlockHead 2023-09-21 18:54

I need to see the entirety of Shrek in this.

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