Work in Progress

Twisted Pong: Apple Harvest


was8bit 2024-04-17 04:48 (Edited)

... check out the rules for joining the challenge

was8bit 2024-04-18 11:41 (Edited)

Tweaked the paddle response...

...still to do:
- removing apples when hit -DONE
- placing felled apples on their spots on the ground - DONE
- dec paddle and release one apple when no more loose bouncing apples X
.... after testing what i have, i have to rethink the game, as currently it is too easy

was8bit 2024-04-19 17:23 (Edited)

... v0.4 overhauls the apple dynamics ...

1) 1-3 apples in air yields high rebound from paddle, over 3 apples in air and all rebounds diminish

2) for every apple released, most are released while moving apples go up, and 1/10 will release as an apple falls

3) the fewer apples still attached to the tree, the easier they will be to release

... these new dynamice avoid a shower of apples early on and avoids the issue of taking forever to remove the last few apples... it is now more balanced :)

was8bit 2024-04-19 17:26 (Edited)

I think i will reduce the paddle size based on how many apples fall to the ground... if you have any other thoughts on the paddle, please post :)

... and i will probably just end the game if you haven't cleared the tree and you don't have an apple flying thru the air....

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