Is there a way to load/copy 2 character ROMS at the same time???


Sylveon 2024-11-17 14:32

The title :3

nathanielbabiak 2024-11-17 18:58

the console is limited to 256 characters stored in the display ram at one time. you can have more than one character "file" loaded into ram using the LOAD instruction, but the total number of characters cannot exceed 256.

Sylveon 2024-11-17 19:29 (Edited)


Sylveon 2024-11-17 22:06 (Edited)

Draw frame 1 to sprite 1
Show sprite 1
Draw frame 2 to sprite 1
Show sprite 1
And over and over again…

You could possibly show 2 “”sprites”” with one sprite

was8bit 2024-11-18 04:57

Animation is possible

Sylveon 2024-11-18 14:11 (Edited)

Sorry, umm uhh i mean that you could change the attributes and parameters each tick to show 2 sprites

An Example.nx | Open in app
2024-11-18 14:11

was8bit 2024-11-18 17:27

Sprites can be defined as 1x1 up to 4x4 cells in size, but you will need to put all the graphics as a block in your character set and reference the graphic# at the upper left part of the block

You may change the entire graphic by changing the cell# in the sprite command... this is a great way to do animation

Also, you may use code to change everything else for the sprite..

Use command...

Sprite spritr#

Then add any additional settings you wish...

Sprite spritr# PAL pal# SIZE size #

To use code to change sprite location and/or graphic use

SPRITE sprite#, x,y,c

To keep parts the same, just leave those parts blank..

SPRITE sprite#,,,c

To just chsnge its graphic ;)

was8bit 2024-11-18 17:31

Sprites are basically a block of graphics that float around... you may also check if one sprite hits another sprite... an nice thing is that blank spots do not count for the hit check, so contact is only for the visible pixels 1,2,3, with 0 (blank) being ignored, allowing for pixels precision detection

Sylveon 2024-11-18 19:19 (Edited)

Thanks :3

was8bit 2024-11-18 20:27


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