The STRUCT_1 to STRUCT_8 subprograms can be called with two to nine parameters respectively to define a new struct (through the first subprogram parameter) with some parameters (through the other subprogram parameters).
Once a struct is defined, an array can be initialized with something like
Once a new structure is created you can use the parameters on it:
an array that accepts any "type" variable and returns its number of elements
one exception is that addresses are now returned through the RETURNED global variable, and that any errors are returned through the ERRNO global variable
return and errno
global variables that can be used within subprograms to return values
true and false
global constants
The following naming conventions should be used:
any type is suffixed by "_T"
any struct parameter should be suffixed with "_P"
any pointer (memory address) is prefixed by "_"
any library subprogram is prefixed by its subprogram prefix