oreeeeeeon 2024-04-11 10:49
Hey Timo is it possible
That Lowres nx can be ported or
Launch on android
If there is a reason that it cant be launch on android it's ok with me
But seriously it would be cool
*IF* you launch it on android...
Timo 2024-04-11 12:23
It's answered here: https://lowresnx.inutilis.com/topic.php?id=476
Timo 2024-04-11 12:29 (Edited)
I just found this comment in a related topic:
It is Retroarch plus, from the Google playstore. I have installed the LowresNx core, and have the lowres nx files in the Downloads/LowresNx folder.
All i need to do is to start the retroarch, click on load content, to chose the Folder and the file and it is running.
It's just for playing on Android, not for programming.
was8bit 2024-04-11 17:15 (Edited)
Anyone with any smart phone can play any game off the webpage, if it is designed as touch only and limits the size of the playable
To download and play or edit on a device requires either apple or windows
GAMELEGEND 2024-04-15 02:59
Yeah I managed to do it and I typed up the instructions.
Sylveon 2024-11-25 13:06
I’m working on making a LowRes NX APK for android :3
Timo 2024-11-25 14:09
Sylveon, with an editor or "just" the player (would be still cool)?
Sylveon 2024-11-25 15:51
the whole app Timo :3